Welcome To The Band!

15 year old Johanna Johnson’s dream of being a rock singer is thwarted by her tumultuous home life. While her increasingly abusive father, Cliff, tries to keep his family under his thumb, and her loving mother, Deborah, tries to keep the peace, Johanna attempts to find solace in a local rock band. With the help of her quirky bandmates, Johanna is able to find her voice, both in and out of the music.

See our pitch deck below:

Our Story

There are 20 cases of domestic abuse every minute. The yelling you might hear from your next-door neighbors, or the hushed arguing a relative may try to hide, could be another one of those cases. What’s even scarier is that abusers make their victims believe that there isn’t a way out. And you believe them. I know I did. My mother and I lived under my father’s emotional and physical abuse for eight years, and after she finally stood up to him and got him out of our lives, I was left with confusion, abandonment issues and anger issues of my own.

Hoping it might help, my mom introduced me to music to focus the intense emotions I felt after their split. Immersing myself in Rock music gave me the space to tackle those dark feelings and it quite literally saved my life. So, I wanted to write an ode to those artists, those songs and show how it can help anyone in any kind of situation, but specifically domestic violence. In the script, we explore the unique connection between bandmates and the sense of family that grows and how crucial that is for someone living through such deep trauma.

It was very important to honor the women in my life and women as a whole in a truthful and empowering way. This film takes a female empowerment stance against domestic violence, with music as the constant friend and backdrop as it helps Johanna understand her situation and her life from that point going forward.

That is the story of Scarred Hearts.

To learn more about my deep connection to this story, read my directors statement:

Our Team

Meet the incomparable Scarred Hearts Film Team

Help Us Bring Our
Story To Life

Tale Slate Productions Presents An Andrew Akler Film
Written and Directed by Andrew Akler
Producers Andrew Akler, Elsie Stark, Christian Ladigoski, Felicia Villareal, Sarah Grace Sanders, David Rubenstein.